Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Catatan SHRK Mei 2012 - Hari Ke - 2

God doesn't live in the palace. He lives in you and me. Financial miracle will not come in the "doubt".

Sambutan John Avanzini - Prakotbah

We have to have a breakthrough ministry. Breakthrough ministry is when what you preach is happening, with sign and wonders. Pray for power from Holy Spirit when you preach. So you will Not just sending information.

There are 2 things why God can't multiply your offering:
1. They don't give as God ask them to give. Everytime God speak to you, there is always the second voice who will try to change the first word (voice). And lots of people follow the second voice. And to God that is disobedient. God can't tolerate disobedient.

2. They are not expecting what God has promised. Faith always expects. No expectation means no faith.

Kotbah Pengajaran & Pewahyuan via John Avanzini

God will speak to you how much you need to give. Don't listen to that second voice, that try to change what God has spoken to you. Offering is not taken money from God's people to pay the church / ministry, but it is FOR you. It is not taken FROM but given TO you. Its all for you and me.

God can save with a word one or a million. Its not about the amount, its about your OBEDIENCE. Obedience moves God. Listen to God's words carefully and the miracle will come quickly. If you cant do what God ask you to do, just Don't do!! Don't give any offering.

His Spirit Challenge Your Faith - Do You Obey Him Totally?


The miracle is not what you give but what you get. God is ready, are you ready??

God purpose is to give back what you have given. The whole world is watching you, so get ready for 100 fold (times) returned. Cast down the second words!!! This miracle belongs to you and me. There is a giving revival now, that followed by receiving revival. The level of your expectation will determine what you will receive.

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